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Friday, August 23, 2002


Flipping through the book now and it looks fantastic! I like the new layout for this edition. Gotta read my chapter first of course – #7 Introducing Macromedia Dreamweaver MX in case you are curious.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

It's here!

Woo hoo!!! I just got my copy of the Macromedia ColdFusion MX Web Application Construction Kit. Tomorrow my top should arrive (see today's earlier post) and it will be fun to see if they actually match in color as well in real life as they do in the pictures.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Not again...

Oh no, not again... :-( Parents, please read this, and spread the word. My husband just called me from work to tell me that his co-workers 3 month old son died last night. The child is survived by his twin sister and other siblings. The father put the boy down in his crib with a bottle and left to the living room to play on the PlayStation with his other children. After the game he returned to check on the boy and found he'd spit up and stopped breathing. This is the second death of a co-worker's child that has happened where playing video games was more important than caring for a child. The first was about 2 months ago. The parents wanted to go have sex, so they asked their 12 year old son to watch his younger brother, age 2. The 2 year old boy wandered outside and drowned in the swimming pool while the 12 year old brother played his Nintendo. Yes, I realize these are tragic accidents, and these families will feel enormous guilt and sadness for a long time to come. I do sympathize with them; accidents happen. Please, check on your children often, and never ever leave a child in the care of a minor, or a baby alone while he/she is eating.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink


I went to bed at 2am last night and woke at 5am. Then I worked until 8:30am and went back to bed until 10am. Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines. I need coffee...

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New top

I just bought a really cute Guess top online. This is the first time I've purchased clothing online ever and I hope it fits me! You know, the top reminds me of something but I just can't seem to place my finger on it...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Thursday, August 22, 2002

Losing weight

Since June 1st, I've lost 21 1/2 of my total 25 1/2 pounds of weightloss. How did I do it you ask? Check out The Atkins Diet. I've been pretty strict with it and keep my carbs very low. It is tough being married to a gourmet chef; I blame him for all my weight gain ;-). So tonight I am celebrating breaking the 25 lb. mark and going shopping for a few new skinny clothes. I'll buy 'em snug since I'm not done losing weight yet. At least another 4 1/2 to go, but who knows, maybe I'll lose more!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Dude, you gotta get a Dell

Dan said, "Dude, you gotta get a Dell!" and so that's what I've done. Just put my order in for my first laptop ever. Of course I couldn't go with the standard 4150 model; I had to customize it. Estimated ship date is 8/30. I sure hope it gets here in time for TODCON.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Tuesday, August 20, 2002


I decided to take a picture of my burns, because I'm insane and have little shame. Be warned, you should not view this picture unless you are wearing sunglasses. My leg is very white! The burns are worse on my thigh, with about 20 splotches all over. My wrist bubbled already and I accidentally scraped it. Can we say, "Ouch!"? The burns are way worse than what it looks like in the picture, especially the ones on my thigh. They've not blistered yet but the skin is raised. Rememeber, I warned you not to look at this picture...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Protective mom

My mom has this story she likes to tell me about that when I was about 2 years old I was by the front door and about to get out and she ran to grab me just as I stepped out the door. I'd have fallen down a step about 8 inches or so and probably would have gotten hurt if it weren't for mom. She was badly scraped and bruised on her arms, legs and I think even her face. Thanks mom, I've returned the favor to my son today.

I was about to cook a steak and started heating the oil. Stupidly I let the oil get too hot and without thinking, I tossed the steak in the pan. The oil splashed all over and got me on my upper chest, my right wrist, my right thigh and down the back of my right leg. When I told Dan what happened he said, "What were you doing, dancing?". No, I quickly spun around to push my son out of the way. He didn't get hurt at all, but the back of my leg got it badly. I was just relieved he was spared. He's to cute to be scarred. So now my right leg is swollen (see post from a couple days ago) and burned. I'll never make this dumb mistake again, and he's no longer allowed in the kitchen when I'm cooking until he's 10 years old!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Monday, August 19, 2002


Proud mama moment here! For the last few weeks I've been trying to teach Gaetano how to properly ask for things. He repeats each word after me and the sentence is always, "Can I have some (more)______ please mama?". As the weeks have past he's said: "Can I have" , "Can I set go!" (we play a game of ready? set? go! and somehow he decided that is how he should ask me to play with him I guess), "Can I have some please mama" (but he doesn't tell me what he wants so I have no idea...). Well tonight he got it right! Gaetano asked, "Can I have some water please mama?". I'm so proud! :-)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Uncle's status

Spoke to my Aunt and found out that my uncle is having surgery next Tuesday as long as his diabetes is stable. The prognosis looks good according to the doctors. The tumour is near the part of the brain that controls memory, which may explain his recent memory problems. If anything is at risk it would be his memory, which I'm told is better than losing your vision, speech or mobility. I'll be praying for him. Thanks to those of you who have shown your concern. I'll keep you posted.

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A friend of mine just emailed to tell me something and I just gotta share it because I find it rather interesting. My friend, we'll just call her Lisa to protect her true identity, is about to become a dancer...ummm, some would call it a stripper. Well, this is what I find rather interesting; to be a stripper you must have a license to be a one. Some cities require it, some don't. So the city she happens to be gaining new employment in does require it and to obtain the license you have to be interviewed at the local police station. She is going on Thursday I believe and if anything interesting comes of it I'll let you know. Who'd of thought you'd need a license to take your clothes off on stage; go figure! Sorry guys, no pictures of her yet.

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Little ouch...

So, yesterday I was taking a nap and the telephone rang. It startled me, I jumped up and then I hear POP and my right leg hurt on the inner area of the knee. I have a pretty high threshold for pain; labor was easy. This was about 3pm and by about 10pm I finally noticed the leg starting to hurt. I didn't notice that it hurt this morning, I got up and hurried down the hall to work. It wasn't until I stood up to go wake up my sleepy-head husband a few minutes ago that I noticed a slight pop and more pain. I limped to the bedroom. I am in my pajamas (the perks of working at home) and I lifted the pajama pants to see if I was bruised. To my amazement, my right leg is about twice the size of my left leg! Now that I have seen that, it is starting to hurt. I bet if I didn't look, I wouldn't feel a thing, darnit. No, I am not going to the doctors!

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