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Tuesday, August 6, 2002

Q-tips are handy

We had an absolute blast at the zoo yesterday! We fed the goats and sheep. Gaetano was really excited and not at all scared to let the animals eat from his hands. There was this smart little monkey there that reached outside his cage and used a branch to sweep some sunflower seeds close to him so he could grab and eat them. After the zoo, I was supposed to come home and work but I needed some office supplies so we headed to Best Buy. By the time I got home it was so late!

Well, my computer decided to punish me for taking the day off. The clock was behind by seven hours, it locked up on me, after rebooting I kept getting the darn blue-screen-of-death over and over again. After rebooting I got a black
screen and nothing else and that was scary! So after rebooting once more I finally got my desktop up and I backed up absolutely everything. I went to Fry's today, and bought a battery and a new fan for the tower. When I went to install the fan I realized there was nowhere to mount it. I figured there has to be a way, and yep there sure was one. I took those little wire twisty tie straps you use to close plastic bags and wired it to the PC. So far that seemed to work fine. Then I realized that the fan was sitting too close to the tower wall and it
wouldn't be very helpful. So I took two Q-tips and shoved them through holes in the back of the tower to prop the fan up so it wouldn't hit the tower wall anymore. I know, my description of what it looks like sounds insane, but darnit, I'm a mommy not a computer repair person!

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