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Date Range: 8/20/2002
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Tuesday, August 20, 2002


I decided to take a picture of my burns, because I'm insane and have little shame. Be warned, you should not view this picture unless you are wearing sunglasses. My leg is very white! The burns are worse on my thigh, with about 20 splotches all over. My wrist bubbled already and I accidentally scraped it. Can we say, "Ouch!"? The burns are way worse than what it looks like in the picture, especially the ones on my thigh. They've not blistered yet but the skin is raised. Rememeber, I warned you not to look at this picture...

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Protective mom

My mom has this story she likes to tell me about that when I was about 2 years old I was by the front door and about to get out and she ran to grab me just as I stepped out the door. I'd have fallen down a step about 8 inches or so and probably would have gotten hurt if it weren't for mom. She was badly scraped and bruised on her arms, legs and I think even her face. Thanks mom, I've returned the favor to my son today.

I was about to cook a steak and started heating the oil. Stupidly I let the oil get too hot and without thinking, I tossed the steak in the pan. The oil splashed all over and got me on my upper chest, my right wrist, my right thigh and down the back of my right leg. When I told Dan what happened he said, "What were you doing, dancing?". No, I quickly spun around to push my son out of the way. He didn't get hurt at all, but the back of my leg got it badly. I was just relieved he was spared. He's to cute to be scarred. So now my right leg is swollen (see post from a couple days ago) and burned. I'll never make this dumb mistake again, and he's no longer allowed in the kitchen when I'm cooking until he's 10 years old!

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