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Category: Rambling
Date Range: 11/10/2002 - 11/16/2002
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Friday, November 15, 2002


I'm home now... I'm numb, bleeding lots, and have the hiccups. I'm not sure but I think they knocked me out becasue I don't remember anything. The nurse said my gums under the lower right wisdom tooth were indeed infected which was causing my pain. She said despite the drugs I yelped when they pulled it. I think they gave me more drugs at that point cuz I don't remember. I hate that... Hopefully when the numb wares off it won't hurt...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Wisdom Teeth

In about 3 1/2 hours I'll be getting 3 wisdom teeth pulled. I admit I am nervous about it. I've been in agony with this tooth ache for a week now and it has only gotten progressively worse. As painful as this is, I can' help but be afraid that the extration and recovery will be even more painful. Not even Vicodin is helping now, so I can't imagine feeling better any time soon. Wish me luck... I'm going to need it. (They're giving me some "good drugs" because I'm too chicken to do general anesthesia.)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Frustrating bug

The past 2 days have been very frustrating when it comes to coding my latest 2 extensions. I'm basically battling a bug in Dreamweaver and it is one I'm clueless how to squish at this point. Basically both of my new extensions involve the ability to wrap the user's selection with some code. That all works fine and dandy. The problems start when the user changes their mind and does and Undo. If the user does an Undo, then makes another selection, the selection is not recognized and the code is inserted after their previous selection before the Undo. It is very annoying to say the least and will prevent these two extensions from being released if I cannot find a workaround. Wish me luck folks, I seriously need it.

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