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Category: Rambling
Date Range: 10/13/2002 - 10/19/2002
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Monday, October 14, 2002


Ok, before I go, I had to take a few screenshots of the formats to show you. This is the current (and likely final) layout for all the menu options in the DWfaq Date/Time Formats menu. Here's what the Edit Formats List looks like with the editable DWfaq Formats listed. Last but not least, here is a sample of one of the dialogs used to make your own variations of the DWfaq Date/Time formats. Okay, now I'm really leaving...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Ready for beta

Server Formats are all done. I just need to make the final MXP and get it into Beta. I'll do that soon as I get back from shopping. Yep, I'm playing hookie from work for a few hours to spend time shopping and have dinner with my son and husband. Of course when I get in I'll get back to work as always.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Sunday, October 13, 2002


Mmmmm chocolate filled Oreo cookies dunked in Strawberry NesQuik milk. Diet? What diet? I'm not on no stinkin' diet...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink