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Category: Rambling
Date Range: 9/27/2002
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Friday, September 27, 2002

Don't get out much...

I don't get out much. Really, I mean that. I'm home more than anyone I know. Quite possible that's because I work from home but still. I need to get out more. So, tonight I did just that. Gaetano is spending the night at my mom's and my husband had the night off so we decided to go see a movie. Remember, I said I don't get out much. I've been to about 4 or 5 movies since my son was born. Let's see, I've seen Planet of the Apes, Beauty and the Beast (which I have on video anyhow from 10 years ago but that new scene was worth going for), My Big Fat Greek Wedding (that I saw 2 months ago with my mom) ummm ummmm darn, I can't remember. So, what'd we opt to go see? My Big Fat Greek Wedding of course. Great movie, and I didn't mind seeing it twice. I'm half greek so I think it was especially funny to me. Anyhow (this is the part where I tell you why I feel like I don't get out much), as I recall previews in movies last about 8 to 10 minutes. We get there at 10:19pm when the moview was supposed to start at 10:10pm. 9 minutes late and I'm thinking we missed the beginning, but no we were in luck. Previews had already been going for 9 minutes and didn't end for another 20 minutes. I kid you not, I looked at the clock on my cell phone just before it started. Since when do they show TV commercials before movies? I'm so out of touch. Ok, this probably sounds like I'm complaining about it, but really I'm not. I'm just reflecting on how out of touch with the world I am. When did all these things change? Where was I and why wasn't I informed? :-) Seriously, I don't mind it, I was just pretty surprised by it all. By the way, if you haven't seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding yet, go see it.

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