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Category: Rambling
Date Range: 9/26/2002
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Thursday, September 26, 2002

Fancy blog

Dan's been gettin' fancy with his blog. I think he's trying to make me jealous. He's doing a fine job of that if he is! Soon as I'm done with Killer Tips I'll have some time to play around and add all the features I'd been planning. One of them is an archive of pages I make when helping folks on the Dreamweaver newsgroup. I'll assign it some keywords, a link to the original thread at google, a description, and a link to the solution page. It should be fun to chronicle these things, and eventually be able to pass out the links when duplicate issues occur on the newsgroup. See folks, this site isn't all about me talking about things like potty training; it is about the average day in the life of a Dreamweaver developer who happens to work from home and is a mother of a (precious) 2 1/2 year old boy. :-)

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