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Friday, November 22, 2002

Bug solved

Well today didn't turn out nearly as bad as I thought. :-) Had some difficulties getting my dentist appointments on time, but in the end I finally got there alright and had the work done. I'm feeling much better than before too.

Good news, I *think* I have solved the bug that was holding up production of JavaScript Assistant and CSS Assistant. If my solution continues to work as I re-introduce the code I removed for debugging, I'm gonna be thrilled! I've workd well over a hundred hours on CSS Assistant alone, plus Danilo has put a lot of time into it. It would have been a shame if the world never saw it because of a stupid bug. I just don't like releasing a product if a bug this bad can't be fixed or worked around unless. I'll definitely post my progress here as always.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink


Today's going to be one of those days; I can just tell. I woke up this morning later than I expected to (always a bad way to start the day) and needed to change my dentist apointment to have my stitches removed. As I was dialing it started to ring before I was finished. Startled that it rang, I promptyly hung up before the second ring. I then wondered what I'd dialed so I pressed redial to look on the phone and hung up as soon as the numbers appeared. I dialed 91111111111. How? I have no idea... the number I was calling was in the same area code as my parents and maybe I started dialing their number instead, which ends in 911? I was 1/2 asleep mind you. So I then called the dentist and rescheduled, but it took several tries because the buttons on my phone kept sticking. (hmmmm so that's how I dialed 911...) About 10 minutes later Brea police calls me and asks if there was an emergency because they got 2 hang ups from my number. I told her I was sooo sorry that my buttons had stuck and I misdialed. She tells me to hold so I do then she starts talking again and I was confused by whatever she said. So she says not you, hold on. So I say okay. Meanwhile I'm thinking that if this were a real emergency she's not too helpful. Then she says "Are you sure?" which I thought was great because maybe someone's got me at gunpoint and she's being thorough enough to see if it really wasn't an emergency. So I reply &qout;Yes, I'm sure, and I'm so sorry". So this gal gets upset and says, "Not you, hold on." Doesn't she know to put the mouthpiece away from her face if she isn't addressing me? Sheesh. So I hold some more... Then she says "Okay so there's no emergency, goodbye" Oh my goodness, how rude! :-) I mean, I know I didn't have an emergency but they should have a better way to check if there really was one. Like maybe call again a second time and ask to push a button on the phone or something clever, in case there is someone there with you preventing you from saying yes there is an emergency. Somewhat of a flawed system I guess. Oh well, thankfully there wasn't an emergency, and I hope I never really need to call 911... at least, not on her shift. ;-)

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