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Category: Rambling
Date Range: 10/30/2002
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Wednesday, October 30, 2002


Hmmm just noticed my buddies with blogs are slackin'... no new post in a few days. I suppose it may be because Danilo isn't around to harrass us about it ;-). Speaking of Danilo, he should be back already. Can't wait to see his Hawaii pics!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink


I've added one feature of the two fully and it is working great for me. As for the second feature, I'm not really sure it is worth my time. I still need to do some research to be sure though. I am now contemplating releasing it with the single extra feature only, but will get more beta feedback first on the second feature. So far feedback has indicated that the second feature, though cool, isn't that important. I'll ask a few more people to test and see what they think and go from there.

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I talked it over with the other developer, and he doesn't mind if I add features to my extension and sell it. He's decided to let his out for free and not develop it further since I am doing so. I've started adding one new feature already and have a story board for how the other should work. Now I just have to figure out how to code it all!

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