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Date Range: 10/28/2002
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Monday, October 28, 2002

New newphew

Brandon Nicholas Parada was born at 6:57 PM today. He weighs 7 pounds 14 ounces and looks very much like his older brother did when he was born. Antonietta was given Pitocin at 11:30 AM to start her labor and her water was broken by the doctor at 2 PM. By 5:30 PM she was only dialated to 4cm so we thought we'd have a really long wait. She had pain medication via IV but refused epidural. When she hit about 6 1/2cm she decided to go for the epidural, but by the time the doctor came in to do it, she was already almost 9cm so it was too late. Her first child was born with about 3 pushes but this one didn't want to make it easy for her so he made her push about 10 times. She screamed quite a bit and feels like she's losing her voice, but is doing great now that the baby is out of her belly. No more pain and no incision. Big Brother Brian says that when they get home he's going to give his brother candy and play baseball with him. So cute! This makes the count 3 nephews and 1 niece. Hopefully somebody evens that up a bit...:-)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Labor progress

Well folks, she's at the hospital now and labor should be in progress. I'm off to wait in the hospital cafeteria until they let us see her. I'll give all the details when I get home later tonight. Bye!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink