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Category: Dreamweaver
Date Range: 10/13/2002
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Sunday, October 13, 2002

86 and counting...

Whew! There sure are a lot of server formats in this suite... I'm up to 86 built in ones and have yet to decide what to include for the Past format and Future format. That'll put us definitely over the 100 mark easily. I started doing the math to figure out the potential number of custom format (not counting delimiters as a factor in difference) and I lost count after 2,600. I'm too tired for math right now anyhow :-). It may sound like overkill, but we wanted our customers to be able to have any possible regional format they could imagine, so that's why I built in all the customization stuff. Aside from deciding the defaults for those 2 formats, I'm all done. I'll consult with Dan on those, add them in, and then release the MXP to our beta testers. We'll be ready to release this sometime this week. More on that soon as beta feedback starts rolling in. ;-)

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