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Category: Dreamweaver
Date Range: 10/10/2002
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Thursday, October 10, 2002

More formats

The Server Formats saga continues... I've thought up several more Server Formats that will be done after the Date/Time ones as separate products. I'm about 1/2 way through making the Date/Time ones now. Here's a screenshot of what I've done so far. Yeah I know it looks like a lot of menus, but if we don't do it this way, the main menu would be way too long. We'll have demos up and screenshots within the next few days. We'll run it through some beta testing, and in a week or less it should all be ready.

I know I mentioned a potential price in a previous post I made... Well, so much has changed and improved that we'll have to account for that of course. We've not decided on a price yet, but I'll let you know when we do. (Don't worry it won't be expensive.) If you have any questions about the Server Formats, please feel free to ask me.

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