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Category: Gaetano
Date Range: 9/1/2002 - 9/7/2002
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Tuesday, September 3, 2002

All shook up

I was too shook up (literally) last night to write anything here... Somewhere close to midnight I felt a slight shake, and after about 2 seconds I realized it was an Earthquake. I jumped to my feet and shouted for my husband, "Earthquake! grab the baby!". I was blocked in my office by the child gate and saw Ambrogio stumble to grab Gaetano off the floor where he was laying down playing with his cars. He'd begun crying before I shouted, at the moment the shaking got violent. Before I could get the darn gate open, my husband and son were by the doorway with me on the other side of the gate as I struggled to get it open. Soon as I got the gate open, the shaking stopped and my son reached for me crying for mama. My poor baby was so scared. His little heart was beating so fast, just like mine was and he wouldn't let go of me for at least 20 minutes. He kept saying, "I broke the walls. I scared.". I think that was his way of telling me the walls were shaking.

It was at about 10 minutes before the TV news started reporting on it. They said that the center was North of Yorba Linda and South of Diamond Bar. Can you guess where that is? Brea; where I live. They said it was only a 4.6 but I've lived through many earthquakes, including the 6.1 in Whittier. This was no 4.6 it had to be at least a 5.0 or more. What's a few tenths of a point? A lot when it comes to earthquakes. We felt 2 aftershocks and my boys couldn't sleep. We all went to bed at about 3 am together. Gaetano stayed with us, more for our comfort and peace of mind than his. Hopefully there won't be any more shaking...

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