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Category: Gaetano
Date Range: 9/15/2002
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Sunday, September 15, 2002

Bad boo boo

Just got home from the hospital... I'm exhausted. Gaetano is okay now, and asleep in his bed. About 2 hours ago I heard a scream, dropped my JavaScript Bible, and ran to the kitchen. Gaetano had gotten his right thumb stuck in a 3/4 open empty can of olives. (I had no idea Ambrogio left the can on the counter.) Gaetano was panicing, screaming repeatedly "I stuck!". It must have really hurt, because I couldn't get him to hold still so I could get his hand out. I reached my hand in the can and pushed the lid in with my finger next to Gaetano's in an effort to not let the lid cut into him more. I didn't get cut, and frankly I am not sure if my effort helped him or not. It seemed his thumb was attached to the lid. Once I got his thumb loose he was bleeding a lot and it looked just awful. I rinsed it with water, and put pressure on it while I called Ambrogio to come home. (He was making a grocery store run.) As I waited for him to get home, I dressed Gaetano in his pajamas (my son loves being shirtless) with one hand, while putting pressure on the wound with my other hand. Soon as Ambrogio came home, he got Gaetano in the car, while I threw on some clothes. When we got to the ER, they took him in right away. They put on some Lidocaine gel to numb the wound. Gaetano kept telling everyone, "Boo boo, owie is cold". There was an area of the wound that was all bunched up and had a dark spot in it. The doctor wanted to clean it, and make sure it wasn't metal or an olive. Turned out that it wasn't and stitches were not needed. Unfortunately the doctor had to snip off a big chunk of skin. Of course it started bleeding again too. I just hope it heals normal and that it isn't malformed or anything. My poor baby :-(. I just know it is going to hurt when he wakes up...

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