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Category: Gaetano
Date Range: 11/23/2002
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Saturday, November 23, 2002

Spy cam

I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. I've been running back and forth from my office to my son for months now. Every couple of minutes I'm up to check on him. Even in a matter of seconds he'll get himself in trouble though and I certainly can't be in the room with him always. Like once, I went to the bathroom and when I came out he'd gotten the powdered Strawberry Nesquik and poured it all over himself! Well, I have a new strategy...

Moms and dads out there, break out your old baby monitors. I set it up in the kitchen and now if he's anywhere near anything off limits I can not only hear him but I can see him since I was lucky enough to have been given a video monitor. Now Gaetano is confused that the moment he's into something he shouldn't be I know it. :-) Ha ha son, you're on candid camera!

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