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Category: ASP VBScript
Date Range: 8/1/2002 - 8/31/2002
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Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Francesca's B-day and stuff

Yesterday was my niece Francesca's 6th birthday. We spent most of the day getting ready for that with last minute gift shopping and all. I'm way behind on work now though, and shouldn't have stayed there so late, but hubby wanted to hang with his family. Actually, for a nice change, I had a pleasant visit.

Today Dan helped me learn how to make ZIP files on the fly so my co-author could download screenshots and not have to have FTP access to the server. I'm not quite done with that page yet, but I sure learned quite a bit.

I'll be spending the rest of today catching up on the book. I've a bunch of writing to get done over the next couple of days... fun!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Saturday, August 10, 2002


I've spent today working on the archive for records older than 3 days. It has been quite challenging but I think I finally got it. I'll know for sure once I add a few more records and do some further testing. This time however I had to enlist the help of Dan. Thanks Dan! :-) My issue was that I was getting bad dates returned by the SQL I used. I needed to enclose the date variables in # marks and that did the trick. A few more tweaks and I was good to go.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Friday, August 9, 2002

Making progress

Woo hoo; I did it! I figured out how to make it so I can have multiple entries for the same day here and only make the date show up once. I'm so proud, LOL! I didn't even harrass Dan for help. Next I need to get the navigation going and then the archives. Fun, fun, fun... I still wish this was being done in CF and I just might convert it for practice later on. After all, absolutely everything is stored in the database. It would really only be a matter of changing the recordsets, changing some If statments to CFIF and changing the page's file extension to .cfm (at least I think that's about all it should take). We'll see though..

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