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Friday, October 18, 2002

DWfaq Date/Time Server Formats released

We're official! Dan has just announced our DWfaq Date/Time Server Formats on the newsgroups and on DWfaq. Thanks to everyone for your support and encouragement.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Close to release

We're only a few hours away from release now. Just working on setting up the store for the product and some last minute touches on the help file. We asked our beta testers and several people who were shown our promotional material (that sounds so professional but all it means is screenshots and demos) and got a wide range of price suggestions. Prices suggested were as low as $20 and as high as $65 (I'm not gonna count the one guy who said $150! We think he was a little too excited and is welcome to pay that much if he'd like :-)). We've settled on "The bargain price of $29.95". Those asked all said that it would take them hours and hours to figure out the ASP and they'd not have the convenience of Dreamweaver to use the code again (except by snippets which isn't as convenient). Dan and I both put a lot of days and time (pun intended) into this one. We hop people find it as useful as we have. :-)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

105 Server Formats

105 server formats! We're in beta now, and hoping for a realease probably on Friday.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Monday, October 14, 2002


Ok, before I go, I had to take a few screenshots of the formats to show you. This is the current (and likely final) layout for all the menu options in the DWfaq Date/Time Formats menu. Here's what the Edit Formats List looks like with the editable DWfaq Formats listed. Last but not least, here is a sample of one of the dialogs used to make your own variations of the DWfaq Date/Time formats. Okay, now I'm really leaving...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Ready for beta

Server Formats are all done. I just need to make the final MXP and get it into Beta. I'll do that soon as I get back from shopping. Yep, I'm playing hookie from work for a few hours to spend time shopping and have dinner with my son and husband. Of course when I get in I'll get back to work as always.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Sunday, October 13, 2002

86 and counting...

Whew! There sure are a lot of server formats in this suite... I'm up to 86 built in ones and have yet to decide what to include for the Past format and Future format. That'll put us definitely over the 100 mark easily. I started doing the math to figure out the potential number of custom format (not counting delimiters as a factor in difference) and I lost count after 2,600. I'm too tired for math right now anyhow :-). It may sound like overkill, but we wanted our customers to be able to have any possible regional format they could imagine, so that's why I built in all the customization stuff. Aside from deciding the defaults for those 2 formats, I'm all done. I'll consult with Dan on those, add them in, and then release the MXP to our beta testers. We'll be ready to release this sometime this week. More on that soon as beta feedback starts rolling in. ;-)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Thursday, October 10, 2002

More formats

The Server Formats saga continues... I've thought up several more Server Formats that will be done after the Date/Time ones as separate products. I'm about 1/2 way through making the Date/Time ones now. Here's a screenshot of what I've done so far. Yeah I know it looks like a lot of menus, but if we don't do it this way, the main menu would be way too long. We'll have demos up and screenshots within the next few days. We'll run it through some beta testing, and in a week or less it should all be ready.

I know I mentioned a potential price in a previous post I made... Well, so much has changed and improved that we'll have to account for that of course. We've not decided on a price yet, but I'll let you know when we do. (Don't worry it won't be expensive.) If you have any questions about the Server Formats, please feel free to ask me.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Wednesday, October 9, 2002

Major Feature Creep

We just had a case of Feature Creep. Dan and I spent a whole hour talking about all the potential Server Formats we could add to the suite. This has grown exponentially... by how much, I'm not exactly sure but it is going to be really cool. We'll be letting users create their own formats from predefined ones. For instance, we supply you with Current Month, Previous Month, and Next Month. You could then make your own that will do 6 months ago, or 3 months from now. I spent a bunch of time playing with Weekday Name earlier just for fun. That one can be used to figure out things like what day of the week you were born based on your date and year of birth. Lots of fun to be had with these Server Formats. Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Tuesday, October 8, 2002

Seconds Stripper additions

We've added 2 more Server Formats to the list. They are:
13. Seconds Stripper With Dots - 9:50 P.M.
14. Seconds Stripper Lowercase Without Dots - 9:50 pm

You'll notice that the difference betwen 11 thru 14 is whether or not there are dots and if the time of day is lowercase or uppercase. These will all be found under a Date/Time» Seconds Stripper submenu. I've done 11 thru 14 now so that's 4 done and 10 to go.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Format list

Dan was proud. :-) He also helped me to better my function as well. Within a matter of a few minutes, we decided to put together a suite of 12 VBScript Date/Time formats that we'll be selling from DWfaq. Right now we're planning on $10 and the list of formats are currently:
1. Week Start
2. Week End
3. Week Range
4. Weekday Name
5. Month Name
6. Days In Month
7. First Day of Month
8. Previous Month
9. Next Month
10. Last Day of Month
11. Seconds Stripper - 9:50 PM
12. Seconds Stripper Lowercase - 9:50 p.m.

We should be done with it in only a few days. Of course Dan and I will both mention it in our blogs when it becomes available. With luck, I'll figure out the ColdFusion equivelants and release those seperately.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Monday, October 7, 2002

Gonna make Dan proud...

Dan's gonna be so proud...I actually wrote my first VBScript function late Saturday night. I spent most of my day on Sunday with my friend for her birthday, but my mind was on getting home to work on converting the function (which I'd already made into a working Server Behavior) into a Server Format. What's the difference you ask? Well first let me tell you what my function does. Dreamweaver offers Date/Time Formats through the Format column of the Bindings panel. None of them output the time in a 12 hour clock format without seconds. For example, look here at my blog. See that the time for this entry is 5:39:27 AM? What if I wanted to remove the seconds so it shows 5:39 AM? I'd use my new function ;-). I originally made it a Server Behavior, but the problem with that is, rather than convert the selectiom. DW assumes I have yet to enter the field on the page. Second problem is that the Server Behaviors panel is cluttered with things enough as it is, and really shouldn't have something that is just done for the sake of formatting. So, I set out to build a Server Format. Now that I've done it once, I think I'm unstoppable... I just need to read up on how to package a Server Format because it requires adding to the Formats.xml file, and I'm all set. Next, I'll see if I can tackle the same concept for ColdFusion, and I'll release both when they're ready. I needed to apply this code to at least 10 pages and I wasn't about to handcode it each time or use Snippets. So "necessity is the mother of extensions", also known as my need to be lazy ;-). As Laurie put it to me on MSN, "laziness is the mother of extensions". Stay tuned for an announcement for the release of "Seconds Stripper" some time (much) later today...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink