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Category: ASP VBScript
Date Range: 10/9/2002
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Wednesday, October 9, 2002

Major Feature Creep

We just had a case of Feature Creep. Dan and I spent a whole hour talking about all the potential Server Formats we could add to the suite. This has grown exponentially... by how much, I'm not exactly sure but it is going to be really cool. We'll be letting users create their own formats from predefined ones. For instance, we supply you with Current Month, Previous Month, and Next Month. You could then make your own that will do 6 months ago, or 3 months from now. I spent a bunch of time playing with Weekday Name earlier just for fun. That one can be used to figure out things like what day of the week you were born based on your date and year of birth. Lots of fun to be had with these Server Formats. Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available...

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