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Category: ASP VBScript
Date Range: 10/8/2002
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Tuesday, October 8, 2002

Seconds Stripper additions

We've added 2 more Server Formats to the list. They are:
13. Seconds Stripper With Dots - 9:50 P.M.
14. Seconds Stripper Lowercase Without Dots - 9:50 pm

You'll notice that the difference betwen 11 thru 14 is whether or not there are dots and if the time of day is lowercase or uppercase. These will all be found under a Date/Time» Seconds Stripper submenu. I've done 11 thru 14 now so that's 4 done and 10 to go.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Format list

Dan was proud. :-) He also helped me to better my function as well. Within a matter of a few minutes, we decided to put together a suite of 12 VBScript Date/Time formats that we'll be selling from DWfaq. Right now we're planning on $10 and the list of formats are currently:
1. Week Start
2. Week End
3. Week Range
4. Weekday Name
5. Month Name
6. Days In Month
7. First Day of Month
8. Previous Month
9. Next Month
10. Last Day of Month
11. Seconds Stripper - 9:50 PM
12. Seconds Stripper Lowercase - 9:50 p.m.

We should be done with it in only a few days. Of course Dan and I will both mention it in our blogs when it becomes available. With luck, I'll figure out the ColdFusion equivelants and release those seperately.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink