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Category: Extensions
Date Range: 11/3/2002 - 11/9/2002
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Saturday, November 9, 2002

Over anxious

I should learn to not get over anxious and think certain things are simple. :-) It turns out there are some nasty little bugs that need squishing in JavaScript Assistant. I'll work with it while coding CSS Assistant too, and not rush releasing it until bugs are properly squished. Just wishful thinking on my part that this would be easy... and yes, I've added features -- only because I'm lazy and I know they'll help me in the end. If they help me, they may help others... that's the plan at least! :-)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Assistant stuff

This morning I was chatting with Laurie and decided that I didn't feel like working on CSS Assistant, because I was lazy writing all that same JavaScript over and over again. So I decided I'll make a JavaScript Assistant as a freebie, since it was so easy to write that in 20 minutes I was done. Well, excpept for the icons (that's always the tough part). Besides, I could have made them all Snippets; there aren't any real special features or anything. I just happen to lik clicking buttons and having them in easy reach. When I'm coding JavaScript, I like to have the full width of the window, so I tend to hide all panels. Really, nothing special, just a matter of comfort for this one. I'll be releasing this one probably late tonight, or possibly tomorrow. Stay tuned...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Tuesday, November 5, 2002

My little assistant

I forgot to mention it... shame on me! That adorable little hand in the ad for Color Assistant belongs to none other than my adorable little Gaetano :-)

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Color Assistant released

I always announce here first, as promised :-). The Color Assistant is now officially launched, and available for just $10 at the DWfaq Store. I hope you enjoy using it as much as I have!

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Color Assistant Demo

As always, I show it to you here first :-). Here's the Color Assistant Flash Demo for the DWfaq Store. I'll post the link to the store soon as it is ready for sale, which should be in about an hour or so. Thanks to all my beta testers for your help, you're the greatest!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Monday, November 4, 2002


Getting 2 cavities filled was definitely not the way to start my morning...OUCH! :-( 10 hours later it still hurts. I probably would have been better off if he'd just pulled the thing. I don't look forward to the dental visit with Gaetano. He needs caps on several teeth (a result of bad grinding in his sleep). I hope he doesn't cry as much as I did today. Seriously, labor hurt less than this torture -- even before the epidural.

So needless to say, I haven't been in a very good mood all day. I'm working on a Flash demo for Color Assistant since it is the kind of product that you don't realize how useful it is without seeing it in action. I am a total Flash dummy and now have gained a respect for Flash folks who have the patience to learn the program. It isn't as easy as it looks!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Sunday, November 3, 2002

New Features = New Bugs

The problem with adding new features is that it almost always introduces new bugs! Sure enough several bugs were found in the new features, and I believe I've squished them all now. Assuming beta testers confirm I've fixed all their findings, and don't discover anything new, it won't be too long before Color Assistant is released. The more I use the extension, the more I like it... and several of the beta testers have told me the same. I'm hoping that's the general perception for it, but we shall see...:-)

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