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Saturday, November 9, 2002

Over anxious

I should learn to not get over anxious and think certain things are simple. :-) It turns out there are some nasty little bugs that need squishing in JavaScript Assistant. I'll work with it while coding CSS Assistant too, and not rush releasing it until bugs are properly squished. Just wishful thinking on my part that this would be easy... and yes, I've added features -- only because I'm lazy and I know they'll help me in the end. If they help me, they may help others... that's the plan at least! :-)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Assistant stuff

This morning I was chatting with Laurie and decided that I didn't feel like working on CSS Assistant, because I was lazy writing all that same JavaScript over and over again. So I decided I'll make a JavaScript Assistant as a freebie, since it was so easy to write that in 20 minutes I was done. Well, excpept for the icons (that's always the tough part). Besides, I could have made them all Snippets; there aren't any real special features or anything. I just happen to lik clicking buttons and having them in easy reach. When I'm coding JavaScript, I like to have the full width of the window, so I tend to hide all panels. Really, nothing special, just a matter of comfort for this one. I'll be releasing this one probably late tonight, or possibly tomorrow. Stay tuned...

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