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Date Range: 8/22/2002
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Thursday, August 22, 2002

Losing weight

Since June 1st, I've lost 21 1/2 of my total 25 1/2 pounds of weightloss. How did I do it you ask? Check out The Atkins Diet. I've been pretty strict with it and keep my carbs very low. It is tough being married to a gourmet chef; I blame him for all my weight gain ;-). So tonight I am celebrating breaking the 25 lb. mark and going shopping for a few new skinny clothes. I'll buy 'em snug since I'm not done losing weight yet. At least another 4 1/2 to go, but who knows, maybe I'll lose more!

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Dude, you gotta get a Dell

Dan said, "Dude, you gotta get a Dell!" and so that's what I've done. Just put my order in for my first laptop ever. Of course I couldn't go with the standard 4150 model; I had to customize it. Estimated ship date is 8/30. I sure hope it gets here in time for TODCON.

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