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Date Range: 9/1/2002 - 9/30/2002
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Monday, September 30, 2002

Done... kinda

It is finished. Well we're done writing that is. I can't believe I've actually written 1/2 of a book. The work isn't over for me yet though. I still have to review the chapters as they come back from editing. I'm sure there will be a few screenshots that need retaking (there always are). But it is a great feeling to be done writing.

Now I can focus on some of my extensions that are almost complete. I'll be getting those done in the next couple of weeks and releasing them via the DWfaq store as they become available.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Monday, September 23, 2002


Only a few more days of writing the book left. It has been a great experience and I'm really looking forward to seeing it in print. After I'm done, I have plans to get 2 commercial extensions finished up. One is called CSS Assistant and the other is an update to the Template-Lover's Suite. I'll be sure to announce it here when they're done. On another note, Dan fixed our store product delivery issue by giving the customer the option to download the product or have it emailed to them. I can't always be online, and it seems that the few download problems we've encountered always happen just minutes after I go to bed at night. This should really make things easier on the customer and on me.

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