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Category: Gaetano
Date Range: 10/1/2002 - 10/31/2002
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Thursday, October 31, 2002

Work before play

Beta feedback on my new toolbar extension has been great. We've caught quite a few bugs and I've squished all of them. I have one more adjustment to make...make the selection replaced with the input rather than putting the data before the selection. Early on I tried this, but it wiped out the entire CSS file, which is why I opted for inserting before the selection. I've found out about some other means for inserting the data so I'll give those a shot. As soon as I'm done with that, I can release this baby.

Speaking of babies... my son is taking his nap now. Soon as he wakes up, I'll dress him up as Elmo and take him to my mom's so he can go to about 4 or 5 houses for trick or treating. I'll post pictures of him soon as I can. I also have some to share from our visit earlier today at the pumpkin patch. No play (making albums) until after I get this extension released though!

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