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Date Range: 8/11/2002 - 8/17/2002
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Saturday, August 17, 2002

New .Net Snippets

Earlier today I approved 3 new ASP.Net-VB Script snippets by JoJo Caine the alter ego of Adrian Senior. His Rounded table corners snippet is in 2nd place for the most downloads currently. I'm sure these will be popular amongst ASP.Net developers.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Uncle Phillip

I just got off the phone with my cousin and have just now found out that our uncle has a brain tumour. My dad and his brother haven't spoken in over 20 years and hence I missed out on having a uncle. I saw my uncle Phillip 2 months ago for the first time in years where I was able to speak to him. On some levels it was like no time had passed and on others it was like we were strangers. I really wish I could fly up to Oregon to see him :-(.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Friday, August 16, 2002

Just a Mother?

I was just looking at an old email account clearing out messages when I came across one that I thought would be appropriate for this site. It is one of those annoying chain emails where they ask you to send it to people, blah blah blah... but this one was actually kinda cool. It is called I'm Just a Mother?.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink


I've been fooling with CSS filters a little lately. I know they're proprietary, but it would be really wonderful if they make it into CSS3 (even by different property names and/or possible values). Anyhow, in case you're interested, here's a link: and be sure to click the Show Me button on that page. It opens a new window where you can fool around with filters all you like and see them in action. Have fun!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Thursday, August 15, 2002


Ok, so you may be wondering, how I came up with the idea for DWmommy. Truth be told, it wasn't my idea; it was Massimo Foti's idea. It's sort of a long story, and one I'd rather not explain tonight. To make it short, he suggested it basically because I'm often a nuetral party and someone people seek advice from. :-) One friend suggested I turn this site into a Dear Abby type thing for web-developers. Not a bad idea... if I only had the time for it!

My son is at grandma's and should be home soon. I miss him! I still have a lot of work to do before he gets here so I better get crackin'.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Now public

Hello there! I've just made this site publicly known on the Dreamweaver newsgroup moments ago. What have I done??? :-)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Undies in a bundle

Lately people have had their undies in a bundle on the Dreamweaver newsgroup. I can understand some of the frustrations, but I think people spend way to much time worrying about the way that people post. If there is someone whose style you don't care for, add them to your block list. If you learn to use your newsreader wisely, you'll not be bothered by stupid things. Can't we all just get along? :-)

I'll comply and make my signature shorter, but the Team Macromedia line is 1st to go. If we're to be required to keep it than we should be allowed an extra line in our signatures, rather than the typical 6 that Matt Brown, Community Manager, suggests. Ok, enough about this... time to get more writing done!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Research and writing

I spent most of yesterday working on the book, trying to get a bunch of writing done. I did quite a bit of research as well. So far it has been a lot of fun working on this project, despite the hard work.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Francesca's B-day and stuff

Yesterday was my niece Francesca's 6th birthday. We spent most of the day getting ready for that with last minute gift shopping and all. I'm way behind on work now though, and shouldn't have stayed there so late, but hubby wanted to hang with his family. Actually, for a nice change, I had a pleasant visit.

Today Dan helped me learn how to make ZIP files on the fly so my co-author could download screenshots and not have to have FTP access to the server. I'm not quite done with that page yet, but I sure learned quite a bit.

I'll be spending the rest of today catching up on the book. I've a bunch of writing to get done over the next couple of days... fun!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Sunday, August 11, 2002

Foiled by typlexia

I'm absolutely determined to keep each page of this site XHTML strict. In doing so, that means that a form tag cannot have a name attribute. Well that just messed me up! I'm not worried about older browsers at all, which means I can use document.getElementById(). Unfortunately due to my typlexia I was using getElementsById()(notice the extra s) and was having no luck so I moved to getElementsByName(). (Yes Elements is supposed to be plural there.)
I didn't get very far at all after a couple hours so I finally posted on the Dreamweaver newsgroup. Massimo jumped in right away and got me back on the track of getElementById() (and that's when I realized my earlier typlexia). I was still stuck, and it took the guidance of Danilo to get the last bit finally working. More typlexia was part of the cause (as usual). Anyhow, thanks to the help of Massimo and guidance of Danilo, I now have the popup calendars working on the archive page. Now if I can just get the SQL working right on that page...

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