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Saturday, August 10, 2002


I've spent today working on the archive for records older than 3 days. It has been quite challenging but I think I finally got it. I'll know for sure once I add a few more records and do some further testing. This time however I had to enlist the help of Dan. Thanks Dan! :-) My issue was that I was getting bad dates returned by the SQL I used. I needed to enclose the date variables in # marks and that did the trick. A few more tweaks and I was good to go.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Friday, August 9, 2002

Making progress

Woo hoo; I did it! I figured out how to make it so I can have multiple entries for the same day here and only make the date show up once. I'm so proud, LOL! I didn't even harrass Dan for help. Next I need to get the navigation going and then the archives. Fun, fun, fun... I still wish this was being done in CF and I just might convert it for practice later on. After all, absolutely everything is stored in the database. It would really only be a matter of changing the recordsets, changing some If statments to CFIF and changing the page's file extension to .cfm (at least I think that's about all it should take). We'll see though..

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Thursday, August 8, 2002

Feeling better...

I'm just now starting to feel better. Being in pain all day has messed up my head and I can't concentrate on work. I've not gotten a darn thing done today really. Ok so I got a few things done but not enough. I better hurry up and get work done before company comes over tonight...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Too much food

I had way too much to eat last night and I'm paying the price. I woke up a little while ago with the worst belly ache. I've only had about 4 1/2 hours sleep and it was entirely restless. I really shouldn't have had brocolli cheese soup so late at night, but it was so darn tasty.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Wednesday, August 7, 2002


Things are going well... some exciting new things are coming to the DWfaq Store (especially in a couple more months). I wish I could say more, but I can't just yet.

Tonight is my sister-in-law Maria's 23rd birthday so we're taking her out to T.G.I. Friday's. She has no idea what I do for a living at all. In fact, all of my husband's immediate family just thinks that I design web pages. I think I'll finally clue Maria in tonight. She's been the most supportive of me working from home out of all my in-laws.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Tuesday, August 6, 2002

Q-tips are handy

We had an absolute blast at the zoo yesterday! We fed the goats and sheep. Gaetano was really excited and not at all scared to let the animals eat from his hands. There was this smart little monkey there that reached outside his cage and used a branch to sweep some sunflower seeds close to him so he could grab and eat them. After the zoo, I was supposed to come home and work but I needed some office supplies so we headed to Best Buy. By the time I got home it was so late!

Well, my computer decided to punish me for taking the day off. The clock was behind by seven hours, it locked up on me, after rebooting I kept getting the darn blue-screen-of-death over and over again. After rebooting I got a black
screen and nothing else and that was scary! So after rebooting once more I finally got my desktop up and I backed up absolutely everything. I went to Fry's today, and bought a battery and a new fan for the tower. When I went to install the fan I realized there was nowhere to mount it. I figured there has to be a way, and yep there sure was one. I took those little wire twisty tie straps you use to close plastic bags and wired it to the PC. So far that seemed to work fine. Then I realized that the fan was sitting too close to the tower wall and it
wouldn't be very helpful. So I took two Q-tips and shoved them through holes in the back of the tower to prop the fan up so it wouldn't hit the tower wall anymore. I know, my description of what it looks like sounds insane, but darnit, I'm a mommy not a computer repair person!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Monday, August 5, 2002

Playing hookie...

I'm playing hookie! My husband has the day off, and wants to take our son to the zoo. Originally they were going to go without me so I can get some work done, but I'm jealous! I've been working hard lately, so I'm going to ditch work for a few hours. I'll take some pictures and upload them later so you can see how much fun we had... I'm outta here!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Sunday, August 4, 2002

My outlet

I think I just really need some sort of outlet now. Being a work-from-home mom and the lack of adult interaction can take its toll. So I've decided that this is the place where I can just talk about whatever it is that's on my mind or happening in my life. Some of this will be work (Dreamweaver) related, and a whole lot of this will be personal. I fully intend to brag about my little boy – probably to the point that it gets annoying – but if you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to read this anyhow. Besides, there will be plenty of pictures of Gaetano (that's my son in case you didn't know) and once you see just how cute he is, I'll be totally forgiven for going on and on about him! Oh, and seeing as how I'm a mom of a child still in diapers (I can't wait until he's potty trained!) you can fully expect to hear all the icky things too.

Normally I'm a pretty private person. I don't even like the idea of people I don't know seeing a picture of me. It is just a creepy kind of feeling; people knowing who I am, and I haven't a clue what they look like. Perhaps I'll get over it with the growth of this site. I'm somewhat surprised at myself for opening up this little window into my life. I'm not sure how I'll handle it, or if I'll even keep active with this site... everything is just up in the air, and I'm not going to think about it. I'll just take it one day at a time....

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