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Sunday, August 11, 2002

Foiled by typlexia

I'm absolutely determined to keep each page of this site XHTML strict. In doing so, that means that a form tag cannot have a name attribute. Well that just messed me up! I'm not worried about older browsers at all, which means I can use document.getElementById(). Unfortunately due to my typlexia I was using getElementsById()(notice the extra s) and was having no luck so I moved to getElementsByName(). (Yes Elements is supposed to be plural there.)
I didn't get very far at all after a couple hours so I finally posted on the Dreamweaver newsgroup. Massimo jumped in right away and got me back on the track of getElementById() (and that's when I realized my earlier typlexia). I was still stuck, and it took the guidance of Danilo to get the last bit finally working. More typlexia was part of the cause (as usual). Anyhow, thanks to the help of Massimo and guidance of Danilo, I now have the popup calendars working on the archive page. Now if I can just get the SQL working right on that page...

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