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Category: Rambling
Date Range: 11/15/2002
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Friday, November 15, 2002


I'm home now... I'm numb, bleeding lots, and have the hiccups. I'm not sure but I think they knocked me out becasue I don't remember anything. The nurse said my gums under the lower right wisdom tooth were indeed infected which was causing my pain. She said despite the drugs I yelped when they pulled it. I think they gave me more drugs at that point cuz I don't remember. I hate that... Hopefully when the numb wares off it won't hurt...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Wisdom Teeth

In about 3 1/2 hours I'll be getting 3 wisdom teeth pulled. I admit I am nervous about it. I've been in agony with this tooth ache for a week now and it has only gotten progressively worse. As painful as this is, I can' help but be afraid that the extration and recovery will be even more painful. Not even Vicodin is helping now, so I can't imagine feeling better any time soon. Wish me luck... I'm going to need it. (They're giving me some "good drugs" because I'm too chicken to do general anesthesia.)

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