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Category: Gaetano
Date Range: 9/1/2002 - 9/30/2002
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Friday, September 27, 2002

Don't get out much...

I don't get out much. Really, I mean that. I'm home more than anyone I know. Quite possible that's because I work from home but still. I need to get out more. So, tonight I did just that. Gaetano is spending the night at my mom's and my husband had the night off so we decided to go see a movie. Remember, I said I don't get out much. I've been to about 4 or 5 movies since my son was born. Let's see, I've seen Planet of the Apes, Beauty and the Beast (which I have on video anyhow from 10 years ago but that new scene was worth going for), My Big Fat Greek Wedding (that I saw 2 months ago with my mom) ummm ummmm darn, I can't remember. So, what'd we opt to go see? My Big Fat Greek Wedding of course. Great movie, and I didn't mind seeing it twice. I'm half greek so I think it was especially funny to me. Anyhow (this is the part where I tell you why I feel like I don't get out much), as I recall previews in movies last about 8 to 10 minutes. We get there at 10:19pm when the moview was supposed to start at 10:10pm. 9 minutes late and I'm thinking we missed the beginning, but no we were in luck. Previews had already been going for 9 minutes and didn't end for another 20 minutes. I kid you not, I looked at the clock on my cell phone just before it started. Since when do they show TV commercials before movies? I'm so out of touch. Ok, this probably sounds like I'm complaining about it, but really I'm not. I'm just reflecting on how out of touch with the world I am. When did all these things change? Where was I and why wasn't I informed? :-) Seriously, I don't mind it, I was just pretty surprised by it all. By the way, if you haven't seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding yet, go see it.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Thursday, September 26, 2002

Fancy blog

Dan's been gettin' fancy with his blog. I think he's trying to make me jealous. He's doing a fine job of that if he is! Soon as I'm done with Killer Tips I'll have some time to play around and add all the features I'd been planning. One of them is an archive of pages I make when helping folks on the Dreamweaver newsgroup. I'll assign it some keywords, a link to the original thread at google, a description, and a link to the solution page. It should be fun to chronicle these things, and eventually be able to pass out the links when duplicate issues occur on the newsgroup. See folks, this site isn't all about me talking about things like potty training; it is about the average day in the life of a Dreamweaver developer who happens to work from home and is a mother of a (precious) 2 1/2 year old boy. :-)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Monday, September 23, 2002


I think Gaetano may be having a potty training breakthrough... I put him in Thomas the Tank Engine undies and he was so excited to wear them. He's only worn undies about 6 times. Well, he had an accident and made a puddle on the carpet. He's never cared when he's had accidents before, he just takes the undies off and brings them to me. This time he was standing up when it happened and must have seen the urine. He just stood there helpless crying. Awwwww my baby! He's starting to understand what is happening, so hopefully it won't be too long before he's potty trained.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Sunday, September 15, 2002

Bad boo boo

Just got home from the hospital... I'm exhausted. Gaetano is okay now, and asleep in his bed. About 2 hours ago I heard a scream, dropped my JavaScript Bible, and ran to the kitchen. Gaetano had gotten his right thumb stuck in a 3/4 open empty can of olives. (I had no idea Ambrogio left the can on the counter.) Gaetano was panicing, screaming repeatedly "I stuck!". It must have really hurt, because I couldn't get him to hold still so I could get his hand out. I reached my hand in the can and pushed the lid in with my finger next to Gaetano's in an effort to not let the lid cut into him more. I didn't get cut, and frankly I am not sure if my effort helped him or not. It seemed his thumb was attached to the lid. Once I got his thumb loose he was bleeding a lot and it looked just awful. I rinsed it with water, and put pressure on it while I called Ambrogio to come home. (He was making a grocery store run.) As I waited for him to get home, I dressed Gaetano in his pajamas (my son loves being shirtless) with one hand, while putting pressure on the wound with my other hand. Soon as Ambrogio came home, he got Gaetano in the car, while I threw on some clothes. When we got to the ER, they took him in right away. They put on some Lidocaine gel to numb the wound. Gaetano kept telling everyone, "Boo boo, owie is cold". There was an area of the wound that was all bunched up and had a dark spot in it. The doctor wanted to clean it, and make sure it wasn't metal or an olive. Turned out that it wasn't and stitches were not needed. Unfortunately the doctor had to snip off a big chunk of skin. Of course it started bleeding again too. I just hope it heals normal and that it isn't malformed or anything. My poor baby :-(. I just know it is going to hurt when he wakes up...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Friday, September 13, 2002

Too cute!

My son is too cute. I know it is a biased opinion but he really is. He now asks me if he can watch "Airy Pottuh" which sounds like Harry Potter with an English accent! Awwww my baby, he's growing up too quick. :-) Which reminds me, I really need to start that Gaetano Says section of the site...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Matching Shirts

My friend Jay A. Grantham gave Gaetano and I matching Houston Fire Department t-shirts at TODCON. Of course, I just had to take some pictures of Fireman Gaetano wearing his t-shirt. Thanks Jay!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Tuesday, September 3, 2002

All shook up

I was too shook up (literally) last night to write anything here... Somewhere close to midnight I felt a slight shake, and after about 2 seconds I realized it was an Earthquake. I jumped to my feet and shouted for my husband, "Earthquake! grab the baby!". I was blocked in my office by the child gate and saw Ambrogio stumble to grab Gaetano off the floor where he was laying down playing with his cars. He'd begun crying before I shouted, at the moment the shaking got violent. Before I could get the darn gate open, my husband and son were by the doorway with me on the other side of the gate as I struggled to get it open. Soon as I got the gate open, the shaking stopped and my son reached for me crying for mama. My poor baby was so scared. His little heart was beating so fast, just like mine was and he wouldn't let go of me for at least 20 minutes. He kept saying, "I broke the walls. I scared.". I think that was his way of telling me the walls were shaking.

It was at about 10 minutes before the TV news started reporting on it. They said that the center was North of Yorba Linda and South of Diamond Bar. Can you guess where that is? Brea; where I live. They said it was only a 4.6 but I've lived through many earthquakes, including the 6.1 in Whittier. This was no 4.6 it had to be at least a 5.0 or more. What's a few tenths of a point? A lot when it comes to earthquakes. We felt 2 aftershocks and my boys couldn't sleep. We all went to bed at about 3 am together. Gaetano stayed with us, more for our comfort and peace of mind than his. Hopefully there won't be any more shaking...

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