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Category: Extensions
Date Range: 10/27/2002 - 11/2/2002
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Saturday, November 2, 2002

Beta feedback

So far beta feedback has been very helpful, which means enhancements need to be made. I can take it though. :-) I've already fixed 3 bugs, 2 typos, and added 1 new feature. If I can add one more feature this release, I'll do it, otherwise I'll work on it for a dot release because it is a cool idea. Since you've been so patient, I'll tell you that the name of the product is Color Assistant. It is the first in what may turn out to be a line of "Assistant" extensions. I don't want to release feature details just yet, but soon as they're locked down, shortly before release I'll post it here first. :-)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Extension excitement

I'm very excited about this little extension I must say. I've added all the features into this release. I'm just writing the help file that explains how the preferences work, then I'll package it up again and send it off to beta testers for checking. Writing this extension has taught me quite a bit and will help me finish the next extension, CSS Assistant. I'm looking forward to beta feedback on this version, since it incorporates some things that they requested. I'll keep you posted!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Feature creep

I forgot to mention earlier... would you believe that yet another feature has creeped into this release? Yep, another. The latest 2 features are some user preferences. I've coded the preferences menu already and have the checkmarks toggling as they should. Now it is just a matter of adding those features to the output code. Should be pretty simple to do that part. I have it mapped out in my brain already. These past 3 weeks have been really good for me from a JavaScript perspective. I've learned so much and ideas keep lighting off in my mind now. I knew eventually things would snap into place for me; it is definitely a great feeling.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Friday, November 1, 2002

New features...

Feature creep has struck again. The extension is totally done and ready to go and working well, and then I go and think of a new feature. I think this would really add to the usefulness of this extension so I'm going to try hard to get it into this release. If not, it will be a dot release soon as I sort it all out. Here's another hint for those of you dying to know what this is all about... hue,saturation & luminosity.:-)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Validation Routines

I've added some validation routines to the extension now to prevent bad input from a user. (Thanks to Danilo for help with the Regular Expression - got me going in the right direction.) A clue for those of you still wondering what this is all about. Here's part of the regular expression #[1-9A-F]{6}. We're getting closer to a final product now. I can't wait!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Thursday, October 31, 2002

Working Prototype

Woo hoo!!! I've got a prototype working now of the fix/enhancement request that my beta testers asked for. So when I get back from Halloween festivites, I'll fix that right up and ship it off to beta again :-)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Work before play

Beta feedback on my new toolbar extension has been great. We've caught quite a few bugs and I've squished all of them. I have one more adjustment to make...make the selection replaced with the input rather than putting the data before the selection. Early on I tried this, but it wiped out the entire CSS file, which is why I opted for inserting before the selection. I've found out about some other means for inserting the data so I'll give those a shot. As soon as I'm done with that, I can release this baby.

Speaking of babies... my son is taking his nap now. Soon as he wakes up, I'll dress him up as Elmo and take him to my mom's so he can go to about 4 or 5 houses for trick or treating. I'll post pictures of him soon as I can. I also have some to share from our visit earlier today at the pumpkin patch. No play (making albums) until after I get this extension released though!

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Template-Lover's Suite price change

Just a friendly reminder that today is the last day to get my Template-Lover's Suite at only $2. Tomorrow the price goes up to $6.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Wednesday, October 30, 2002


I've added one feature of the two fully and it is working great for me. As for the second feature, I'm not really sure it is worth my time. I still need to do some research to be sure though. I am now contemplating releasing it with the single extra feature only, but will get more beta feedback first on the second feature. So far feedback has indicated that the second feature, though cool, isn't that important. I'll ask a few more people to test and see what they think and go from there.

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink


I talked it over with the other developer, and he doesn't mind if I add features to my extension and sell it. He's decided to let his out for free and not develop it further since I am doing so. I've started adding one new feature already and have a story board for how the other should work. Now I just have to figure out how to code it all!

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink

Sunday, October 27, 2002

Same thing

Well there goes my idea! I asked a friend for input on possible causes for a global variable issue I was having. So I told him what my extension was and he had done the same thing already. He plans to release his next week along with others. So, sorry folks this one isn't getting released publicly. I'll think of something else though. I already have a few ideas brewing...

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