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Category: Extensions
Date Range: 11/2/2002
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Saturday, November 2, 2002

Beta feedback

So far beta feedback has been very helpful, which means enhancements need to be made. I can take it though. :-) I've already fixed 3 bugs, 2 typos, and added 1 new feature. If I can add one more feature this release, I'll do it, otherwise I'll work on it for a dot release because it is a cool idea. Since you've been so patient, I'll tell you that the name of the product is Color Assistant. It is the first in what may turn out to be a line of "Assistant" extensions. I don't want to release feature details just yet, but soon as they're locked down, shortly before release I'll post it here first. :-)

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Extension excitement

I'm very excited about this little extension I must say. I've added all the features into this release. I'm just writing the help file that explains how the preferences work, then I'll package it up again and send it off to beta testers for checking. Writing this extension has taught me quite a bit and will help me finish the next extension, CSS Assistant. I'm looking forward to beta feedback on this version, since it incorporates some things that they requested. I'll keep you posted!

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Feature creep

I forgot to mention earlier... would you believe that yet another feature has creeped into this release? Yep, another. The latest 2 features are some user preferences. I've coded the preferences menu already and have the checkmarks toggling as they should. Now it is just a matter of adding those features to the output code. Should be pretty simple to do that part. I have it mapped out in my brain already. These past 3 weeks have been really good for me from a JavaScript perspective. I've learned so much and ideas keep lighting off in my mind now. I knew eventually things would snap into place for me; it is definitely a great feeling.

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